We, the representatives of civil society organisations, social movements and progressive citizens, met virtually under the auspices of the Citizens’ Manifesto convergence platform as part of our continuing consultations on the Covid-19 crisis and the general situation in Zimbabwe. We heard detailed narratives from different institutions which included presentations from Organisations of Rural Associations for Progress (ORAP) on the current Process of food distributions to vulnerable (prons and cons observed and recommendations), Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD) presented on Monitoring public funds (update tracker of COVID donations), Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZINASU) on the State of Education at Tertiary Level, Amalgamated Rural Teachers’ Union (ARTUZ) on State of Education at Primary and Secondary level and Magamba Network on a broader Media Update.
We do hereby express ourselves as follows:
Food Distribution and social safety nets: We note that the lockdown has drained much of the citizens of their little savings thus has left many groups more vulnerable than before. The government has failed to expand its social distribution list to accommodate critical components of the population that have been affected by the lockdown. We have International students who remain prisoned in their hostels with little or no assistance, there are homeless settlements that continue to harbour a large number of poverty stricken people. Food distributions being done by most institutions have been helpful but haven’t covered the breadth of the population of those in need. We urge government to reconsider the distribution of the socio-economic relief fund in order to accommodate the groups that were not included before.
Public Funds: We continue to call on the government to display high level of transparency and accountability on the funds received to aid vulnerable groups, the functioning of the government and boosting health facilities to fight COVID-19. We are aware of the potential risk of funds being siphoned to benefit a few. Being conscious of such recorded cases we implore the government to avail the donation matrix to the public. We also urge the government to consult all stakeholders in order to make effective use of the available funds.
State of Education System: We take note of the deliberate lack of attention by the government to the education status of our country. Most quarantine sites being used are schools and the government has not laid out the strategic plan of disinfecting and reopening these institutions of learning. The education system that we have is already quite exclusive in light of the fee structures and other costs that students incur just to get basic education. The idea of online learning comes as another burden to students who are already in an impoverished state. Institutions and the government must stop making pronouncements without carefully considering and preparing the affected constituencies for the changes likely to happen. We urge the government to work on reducing the data tariffs for students or risk deepening the gaps between the rich and the poor.
Information dissemination: As a country we still lack a proper information system that disseminates accurate, timely and credible information. As citizens, it’s our right to access information so as to equip and protect ourselves in time. We urge the government to make use of recognized government sites to release information to the people.
General Access to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): We continue to call for the government to prioritize PPE for all members providing essential services. The government’s position must be clear on mandatory testing and the use of face masks as these are largely being provided by the private sector, making it expensive for the ordinary citizens. We implore the government to subsidize these so that they can be accessed by ordinary citizens.
Public Transport: We have noticed the prevalence of ZUPCO in providing public transport. This has brought a standstill to other commuting business operators. This has also decreased the efficiency of public transport because of the ratio between the passengers, thus creating an imbalance in available transport. The government must look into inviting other controllable operators on board, while taking into consideration job security meaning that each vehicle must be registered with its driver.
We are disheartened by the recent developments in the politics of our nation. We witnessed the abduction and torture of three female activists Hon. Joana Mamombe, Cecilia Chimbiri and Netsai Marova. This is totally uncalled for in a society where human rights should be respected, upheld and protected. We call on the government to fully investigate and bring to book the vampires who seek to shed blood in our peace loving country.
We applaud the initiatives being undertaken by civil society in these tough times. We continue to call for an inclusive approach in handling national matters. We call on all citizens to display a sense of unity and humanity as we sail through these trail times.
Amalgamated Rural Teachers’ Union (ARTUZ); Vendors Initiative for Social and Economic Change (VISET); Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD); Zimbabwe Alliance; Harare Residents Trust (HRT); Bulawayo Vendors and Traders Association (BVTA); National Association of Youth Organizations (NAYO); Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZINASU); Media Center; Gateway Zimbabwe; Institute of Young Women in Development (IYWD); Economic Justice for Women Project; Amandla Centre; Women’s Academy of Leadership and Political Excellence (WALPE); People and Earth Solidarity Lawyers Network (PES Lawyers); Magamba Network; Platform for Concerned Citizens; Berina Community Arts; Arcturus Community Assembly; Bindura Community Assembly; Youth Initiative for Community Development-Mutoko;
More Statements from Citizens’ Manifesto:
Citizens’ Manifesto Condemns the Abduction and Torture of Opposition Activists
International Workers Day Message 2020
Citizens’ Statement on the Coronavirus Crisis and the 14-Day Extended Lockdown