The Government of Zimbabwe, through Vice President and Minister of Health and Child Care, Hon. Rtd General Constantine Chiwenga, promulgated revised Covid-19 lockdown regulations on 12 June 2021. While we, as Citizens’ Manifesto, acknowledge the rise of the COVID- 19 statistics and the urgent need to contain the pandemic, we are deeply concerned about the newly announced regulations. Firstly, we note, with great concern, Government’s failure to consult widely with relevant sectors before coming up with the new regulations. Secondly, there is confusing inconsistency at the highest level of government in the articulation of the containment measures. For instance, whereas President Emmerson Mnangagwa made pronouncements allowing artists to perform to audiences of fifty (50) people and below, barely hours later, the Vice President announced revised regulations banning all gatherings. This policy inconsistency clearly shows unacceptable lack of coordination by government in coming up with the containment measures. Because citizens bear the brunt of hardships inflicted by Covid-19 and lockdowns, we call upon the government to consult with them before coming up with or revising any lockdown regulations. This should be done through a multi-stakeholder platform that considers citizens’ plight. The government’s failure to consult widely has resulted in the crafting of measures that will make citizens’ lives unnecessarily difficult in many respects. Previous measures imposed from above, have been abused to harass and extort poor citizens pursuing their livelihoods by bribe-seeking police officers. The same is likely to happen with respect to the new measures which lack nuance in their framing. In coming up with its containment measures, government must always seek to strike a delicate balance between safeguarding ordinary people’s livelihoods and halting the spread of the pandemic. That is only achievable if the concerned citizens are consulted in the framing of the measures. Only then can a solution that embraces the realities of the citizens of Zimbabwe be found. Last but not least, we call upon the government to desist from abusing lockdown measures for political expediency. We are particularly concerned about the possibility of lockdown measures being used not only to contain the Covid-19 pandemic, but regrettably to close civic space including the undermining and stifling of citizens’ voices and participation. As Citizens’ Manifesto, we thus make the following; Demands to government,Government and all its various Departments and Ministries must speak with consistency and coherence on the measures being taken to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, including following a defined communication strategyGovernment must consult all relevant stakeholders in policy making, including in relation to lockdown measures.Government should honour its prior commitments by providing safety nets to vulnerable groups, especially those in the informal sector.Government must invest in promoting awareness of, and commit more resources to, the vaccination processGovernment must clearly outline timelines, and define processes, to review lockdown measures to avoid catching citizens in an indefinite cloud of uncertainty. · Recommendations to Citizens,To embrace COVID-19 vaccination programes as a sustainable way of dealing with the pandemicAll citizens must participate in policy formulation and monitor and report deviations from reasonable enforcement of lockdown measures.All citizens to observe COVID-19 regulations, including social distancing, minimizing movement and wearing of masks. |
#SununguraZimbabwe!! |